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LifeLong Learning/adult education

Learning at Greenburgh Hebrew Center extends beyond Religious School!  There are numerous avenues available to expand our religious and cultural horizons while getting to know other members in the process.

Rabbi Stein has augmented our Shabbat learning by adding Finish Strong following kiddush and lunch.  In these lively, participatory sessions he engages us in discussions - from halacha to current events - on how to make Judaism relevant for the twenty-first century. If you have a topic for discussion, contact Rabbi Stein at

Adult Education events take place on Sunday mornings, weekday evenings and sometimes during the day.  These programs cover a wide variety of interests including GHC Reads (including an author talk), talks about anti-semitism, Social Justice, Holocaust topics and Mah Jongg classes and games. Each year Rabbi Stein develops a few series of classes that may focus on various topics, like holidays, Torah, current events or self-improvement. We also take trips to the Jewish Theological Seminary, to view their library exhibits, and other places of Jewish interest.

The GHC Book Club generally meets monthly on Tuesday mornings.  It's always interesting to hear various readers' viewpoints.

We have an active Empty Nesters Group.  Our format is fluid and changes to meet the needs of our members. Congregants and friends enjoy a multitude of activities such as walks and hikes, volunteering at local community events, theater outings, movies, and more. For more information, please contact

There are several unique events planned (and open to all adults).  Just to name a few, GHC's Annual Night at the Opera, a museum tour, and a Scholar-in-Residence weekend. 

Join us on Shabbat or try an Empty Nesters' Event ...... We're sure you'll be back for more!

Please check the calendar for specific events and dates. Feel free to contact our Adult Education Chair, Lisa, at

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785