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Early Childhood Center and Religious School registration for 2024-2025 is open!

The Empty Nesters Club at GHC is a wonderful way to make social connections once your children have "flown the coop", or about to do so. The club has new and veteran Empty Nesters who have survived the "religious school car pool years" and are interested in fun activities with friends both old and new. Our format is fluid and changes to meet the needs of our members. We have no dues and enjoy a multitude of activities ranging from Wednesday night dance classes to theater outings, movies, pot luck dinners and more.

Age and marital status are not a factor. If you are interested in Empty Nester activities, check the bulletin board, the Hamvaser and this website for upcoming Empty Nester activities, join our email list or contact  for more information.

There are no upcoming events at this time.



Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784