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Video Archive

Your Own Personal Philosophy

Parashat Ki Tetze 5783

An Interview you won't want to miss

our president, jeff liss, and vp of membership, Leslie Liss, were interviewed on wvox 1460 am radio
by paul feiner, the greenburgh town supervisor.  From its early childhood center to its adult education programs and everything in between, they discussed why ghc has been a major force in the rivertown's community for over 75 years.  to hear this interview, please click here.

Prayer for Ukraine

Watch Cantor May singing a prayer for the people of Ukraine:

Compassionate Change

Watch Rabbi Stein's teaching for Rosh Hashanah (Day 2):

For more, please visit Rabbi Stein's YouTube channel.

Take My Hand

Watch Rabbi Stein's teaching for Parsahat Ki Tavo (5781):

For more, please visit Rabbi Stein's YouTube channel.

L'dor V'dor

A virtual performance by the GHC Choir during the GHC Gala on June 6, 2021 in honor of Naomi Feinkind. (To view the Gala in its entirety and the Gala Journal, please go to the FAQ & Special Events area of the website)



Don't Live Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

Watch Rabbi Stein's teaching for Parsahat Tetzaveh:

For more, please visit Rabbi Stein's YouTube channel.

Shabbat morning teaching

Watch Rabbi Stein's teaching from Shabbat morning:

For more, please visit Rabbi Stein's YouTube channel.

Kol Hahazanim

Cantor May took part in the Kol Hahazanim Night of Music event. Here is her beautiful performance during the event:


Kol Nidre

Watch this amazing duet with Cantor May and our own Judy Goldstein from this past Kol Nidre service:

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785